Fizzy Drinks: Are They Really That Bad?

By |2018-12-17T10:27:58+01:00December 17th, 2018|Uncategorised|0 Comments

We are often advised to avoid fizzy drinks, but in the age of frequent media outcry and health advice from every angle, how bad are they really? The bad news for soda addicts is that studies suggest that they may be harming our health in many ways, and that dropping them for good could be a great way to improve general and oral health.

Fizzy drinks are often full of sugar and dangerous chemicals such as aspartame, which has been identified as a cancer-causing agent, and both diet and non-diet versions may be equally harmful to health. Fruit juices and drinks can also be high in sugars, so don’t replace one bad habit with another. Drinking water is essential for good health and should be the basis of any healthy eating plan. Talk to us at Guiney Dental Clinic for more information.

Why You Should Kick The Fizzy Drink Habit Today:

There are many unpleasant side effects associated with regularly drinking fizzy drinks, and giving them up for good could be the most positive thing you can do for your health today. If you’re not quite convinced yet, here are some great reasons to drop the drinks:

  1. Fizzy drinks can increase the risk of developing cancer. The amount of sugar in fizzy drinks can increase the
    amount of insulin naturally produced in the pancreas, and it is believed that just two fizzy drinks per week can double the risk of pancreatic
    cancer. The risks of developing prostate cancer and breast cancer are also seen to increase when drinking one fizzy drink per day, and some
    additives which are included in fizzy drinks are known carcinogens.
  2. Fizzy drinks can destroy your teeth. Refined sugar really is the enemy of good oral hygiene, and drinking
    several cans a week can mean that your teeth rarely get a break from the sugar, which will weaken teeth and gums.
  3. Consuming fizzy drinks can lead to diabetes. Fizzy drinks are one of the biggest culprits in our sugar-laden
    diets, and they can interfere with the natural production of insulin in the body. This can lead to the development of type two diabetes,
    and this has been on the rise in many countries across the world in recent years.
  4. Fizzy drinks can influence behavior. Fizzy drinks can also be seen to have a negative effect on the brain,
    altering protein levels, which can lead to hyperactivity. Since this is another problem that is on the increase amongst young people, it’s
    another red flag that we must take seriously.
  5. Hormones can also be affected by fizzy drinks. The huge quantities of sugar in most fizzy drinks can have
    serious adverse effects on our hormones, causing young girls to start their menstrual cycles earlier, and increasing the likelihood of
    premature birth if consumed during pregnancy.

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advice and treatment, call Guiney Dental today on 021-481 0535.