Do Men Or Women Take Dental Health More Seriously?

By |2018-12-17T10:18:15+01:00December 17th, 2018|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Did you know that women are much more likely than men to visit their dentist regularly? Men and women tend to experience different problems with their teeth and gums, and studies show that men are more likely to visit a dentist only when they think something is wrong.

We’ve been looking at the differences between the reasons that men and women give for visiting their dentist, and we’ve noticed some interesting patterns. In general, while women are more likely to see their dentist routinely, men are more likely to present with serious problems.
Here are the facts:

Gender Differences In Oral Health

  1. Brushing. Research shows that women are more likely to brush their teeth every day than men are, especially
    after meals, while men are more likely to skip the occasional brushing session. This means that women are more likely to maintain good oral
    hygiene, and to avoid the damage to enamel that forgetting to brush can cause.
  2. Harmful substances. Men are statistically more likely to engage in risky behaviours that can damage oral health,
    such as smoking, chewing tobacco and consuming large amounts of alcohol. It follows that men are more likely than women to develop problems
    such as oral cancer and gum disease, since the risk of these can be significantly increased by these substances.
  3. Preventing problems. Women are more likely to visit the dentist routinely, while men often choose to seek dental
    help only when a problem arises. This means that the problems men experience can be more serious by the time help is sought, as warning signs
    are not picked up at routine check ups.
  4. Hormones. Women are, unsurprisingly, more likely to experience hormone-related problems with their teeth and gums.
    During pregnancy and the menopause, damage to teeth and gums can be much more likely, so increased visits to your dentist at this time can be
    very helpful to prevent future problems.
  5. Trauma. Injuries to the mouth often result in tooth trauma, which can have lasting implications and require extensive
    treatment. Men are statistically more likely to be involved in sports such as football, rugby, wrestling and boxing, and this means that they have
    a higher chance of experiencing trauma to the mouth. Interestingly, the statistics also show that men are less likely than women to be wearing
    protective headgear or mouth guards when involved in these activities, increasing the risk further!

Find a Good Dentist In Cork

If you’re looking for a reliable dentist, who you can trust to look after your dental health, visit the
Guiney Dental Clinic in Cork to meet our friendly, experienced team. We offer a comprehensive service with our excellent team of dentists and dental hygienists, and we will be happy to discuss your family’s dental needs with you.
Call today on 021-481 0535.