Look Younger Today: 5 Effective Tips For A Great Smile

By |2018-12-14T13:42:47+01:00December 14th, 2018|Uncategorised|0 Comments

There’s no denying it, a great smile is very important. Your smile is what many people cite as the feature they notice first, and many people guess the age of others as significantly lower when they are smiling. A friendly grin is often identified as the most important aspect of a positive first impression.

Keeping your smile looking great is a lifelong mission, involving excellent dental hygiene and a positive approach to life. There are many
ways to promote oral health, and your pearly whites are much more likely to stay so if you follow our simple steps. Here at
Guiney Dental Clinic, we know how important your smile is to you, and we will always be happy to
give more information and advice on how to keep it looking great.

5 Steps To A Super Smile

  1. Cut out sugar. Going sugar free may seem a drastic move, but it can help to prevent a host of health problems
    as well as improving your dental health. Saliva is essential to prevent decay and infections in the mouth, and sugar reduces saliva flow,
    protecting enamel and reducing acid.
  2. Reduce snacks. Snacking throughout the day ensures that the acid levels in your mouth remain high for long
    periods of time, and this is not just a problem caused by sugary snacks. Starchy foods, such as bread and crisps, can also contribute to
    the breaking down of tooth enamel and can also get trapped between teeth easily. Snacking on vegetables can curb hunger without damaging
    teeth, but it is also a good idea to give your teeth a break between meals for great dental health.
  3. Avoid staining drinks. Several drinks, including red wine, coffee, tea and some fizzy drinks can cause staining
    on your teeth, which can wear down the enamel. Our teeth naturally get darker as we get older, since the yellow coloured dentin inside them
    increases, so we need to avoid drinks that will make this more visible. Protect your teeth by cutting down, and if you do enjoy a cup of a
    potentially staining drink, rinse your mouth with water afterwards and then wait 30 minutes before brushing, to avoid damaging the enamel.
  4. Consider whitening. Whitening products are a very popular way to improve your smile, and you can talk to your
    dental hygienist about the best options for you. Some whitening kits can be used at home, but a professional treatment may be safer and offer
    better results, so discuss your options before you begin a treatment.
  5. Visit the dentist. Your dentist can help you to care for your teeth properly, advising you on how to brush and
    floss correctly to promote good oral health. Your dentist can show you a colour chart so that you can see whether your teeth are discoloured,
    and can recommend the best methods of whitening to you if necessary.

Are You Looking for a Cork Dentist?

For great dental health throughout your lifetime, it’s important to have a dentist you can trust. At Guiney Dental Practice, we have an experienced and friendly team, and would be delighted to meet you. To make an appointment, call the Guiney Dental Clinictoday on 021-481 0535.