Which Foods Actually Stain Your Teeth – And Which Don’t!

By |2018-12-14T12:35:05+01:00December 14th, 2018|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Did you know that a bright smile is recognised as an attractive and desirable feature in others? Research tells us that great teeth are important to the way in which others perceive us, and understanding which foods may stain or damage our teeth can give us a head start in keeping them white and shiny.

Some foods can damage teeth by attacking the enamel that protects them, and that includes sugary and acidic foods. The saliva in our mouth neutralises the acids in the food we eat, but this does not happen for around twenty minutes after we eat. The best way to reduce the risk of damage to your teeth is to drink plenty of water with your food, and brush your teeth 20-30 minutes later when your saliva has done its job. Talk to us at Guiney Dental Clinic for more information about caring for your teeth and brushing most effectively.

Common Culprits For Staining Teeth:

  1. Tea and coffee. How many cups of tea or coffee do you drink during the day? Black tea and coffee contain tannins,
    which stick to your teeth. A better option for healthy teeth would be to drink green tea, which is lower in tannins, or to replace tea and coffee
    with other, healthier drinks, such as herbal teas or water.
  2. Red and white wine. Many people are aware that red wine can stain teeth, but you may be surprised to find out
    that white wine can do even more harm! White wine is more acidic than red, so it causes your teeth to absorb stains from other foods and drinks.
    You should rinse your mouth with water between glasses of wine, or eat a protein filled snack, such as cheese, to help combat the acidity and
    keep teeth whiter.
  3. Fizzy drinks. Fizzy drinks are packed with sugar and have a high acid content, so they can damage your enamel and
    lead to cavities in your teeth. Replacing these drinks with water will be excellent news for your teeth, but using a straw can help to reduce
    damage if you really must drink fizzy drinks.
  4. Berries. Brightly coloured berries look beautiful and are very good for you, but they contain strong pigments that
    can affect your teeth. Enjoy berries in moderation, and be sure to include other fruits and vegetables that benefit your dental health by
    boosting saliva production in your diet as well. These include pineapple, pears, apples, cucumbers and cauliflowers.
  5. Tomato sauce. Tomato sauce, served with pasta or as ketchup, contains a lots of acid that can damage teeth. Varying
    your diet with white sauces can help to protect your teeth, and eating spinach or broccoli beforehand can help by neutralising the acidic effect
    of the tomatoes.

Do You Need A Ballincollig Dentist For Yourself Or Your Child?

When you’re looking for an experienced dentist, visit us at Guiney Dental Clinic. We are friendly and enjoy working with adults and children, and we are waiting to welcome your family into our practice. For excellent dental advice and treatment, call Guiney Dental today on 021-481 0535.