Will It Be A White Christmas? Tooth Whitening For The Festive Season!

By |2018-12-14T12:29:53+01:00December 14th, 2018|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Are your teeth looking good for Christmas? Studies show that white teeth and a good smile are very important when meeting people for the first time, and we know you’ll want to sparkle during the party season. The good news is that it’s easy to give your teeth a whitening boost in time for Christmas, and we’re here to share our tips on the most effective methods.

Perhaps you feel that your teeth are looking a little unhappy, and paying a visit to your dentist is the best way to start addressing this problem. However, you can prevent any discolouration from worsening by avoiding common staining culprits. Foods that are renowned for staining teeth include tea and coffee, sweets, red wine and fizzy drinks, so try swapping these for healthier alternatives and see the difference it makes to your pearly whites!

Top Tips For Whitening Your Teeth:

When it comes to whitening your teeth, you may be tempted to try one of the home whitening kits that advertise impressive results, but we would always advise against this. Treatments such as these rely on toxic bleaches that are dangerous when used by non-professionals, and this can lead to an immediate whitening effect which destroys the natural enamel on the tooth and creates serious staining problems in the future.

Prevention is certainly much better than cure, but if stained teeth are really getting you down, you should talk to your dentist and see whether he or she can suggest a solution. We advise the following:

  1. Regular brushing. Brushing your teeth for two minutes twice daily is the most vital way to protect your teeth,
    and ensuring that you are brushing properly may help to reduce staining. You should brush gently, using circular movements, to remove debris
    and bacteria from your teeth and gums.
  2. Flossing. Food and bacteria can easily build up between the teeth, causing plaque which can stain your teeth,
    and it is a good idea to floss on a daily basis. If you do not know how to floss properly, or if it causes you pain, you should talk to your
    dental hygienist to find the best solution for you.
  3. Whitening treatments. In some cases, your dentist or dental hygienist might advise a professional whitening
    treatment, during which teeth are whitened using a bleach solution, while the gums are protected by a gel or rubber shield. A light or
    laser may be used to help the whitening agent to work more effectively. Results will depend upon the type of staining you have, and teeth
    that are yellow usually respond very well to a whitening treatment, while darker or greyer teeth can sometimes need further appointments
    to achieve good results.

Get Great Dental Care From Your Family Dentist In Cork

If you’re looking for a friendly and experienced dental practice in Cork, for yourself or your family, visit us at Guiney Dental Practice.
We are professional family dentists in Cork, experienced in dealing with all types of dental problems, and we enjoy working with the whole family to keep teeth and gums healthy. To make an appointment, call the Guiney Dental Clinic today on 021-481 0535.